About Tracey

Director, Newnique Solutions

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Tracey New - Business Coach & Mentor.
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Years of experience to help you transform your business & your life.

One on One business coaching with Tracey New

With of over 20 years + experience starting & running multiple businesses, I understand exactly what it’s like and the stress and pressures you face. It can be a lonely place running your own business and often hard to see the forest for the trees. Having a trusted advisor working alongside you, guiding, bouncing idea's off, drawing on years of experience & resources is what you need to bring about transformation in your business which will in turn transform your life.

I have experience across multiple sectors including training, technology, mortgage broking/finance, human resources, government, property & hospitality. No matter what type or how small your business is we are confident we can help you grow, increase and reach your goals and dreams, you will be surprised at how quickly this can happen.

I speak to many business owners who express similar challenges such as improving profitability, cash flow, productivity, staffing issues and not being consumed by their business, so if you are experiencing any or all of these concerns please contact me today for a Free Discovery Call so we can begin transforming your business, and your life.

Tracey is also the founder of Hills Business Network, A new approach to business networking with a vision to help you  be encouraged & inspired in business, either by listening to another businesses journey or connecting with great people who could potentially become a great referral source for your business, or maybe even getting that lead via meeting the right person to take your business to the next level.


Created by a talented team of designers.

Our team has been organizing and running conferences for over 20 years, and we love everything about design and marketing.

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